Saturday, July 31, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things.

I really enjoy crafts and hand-making things, from hair clips to jewelry, to my day planner.

I decided to document my favorite items I've made. some of them are on my Etsy website, and some I use every day. I wanted to document them as a reference for myself and for anyone else who'd like to see crafty little things, whether for fun or for inspiration.

A more recent item for sale on Etsy. I love this lace! It's almost tacky, but still cute if used right.

This one was so easy and fun. Someone bought it off my Etsy store just two days after I posted it up!

I like this one. It's very earthy and reminds me of autumn and Thanksgiving. 

I'd seen some flowers like these before, so I tried to see if I could make them on my own. My first attempt resulted in the ones on the bottom left. I really like how they all turned out!

I actually made these for Bob over a year ago, while I was still in Tennessee and working at the bead shop. One day he asked if I could make him something other than jewelry. I came up with these. We have them on display in our front room because we like them so much.

I have always struggled to find a planner that I like. They either have too much or not enough. So I took a mini three-ring binder and made it my planner. I made my own cover just like I wanted, and I've never had a better planner! Not too big, not too small. For a while I even printed my own pages to go inside, but then I found some I actually really love.

I found these yellow and black swirled beads in San Diego over Christmas last year. I love them! But I don't know that I'd ever wear them. So I decided to at least make something someone else could wear.

 I'll put others up on occasion as I make them.

I've debated on writing up instructions or tutorials for how to make some of these. I'll consider it if anyone leaves a comment asking for it.

Which one(s) do you like?

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking today that I'd call my blog post on Monday "A Few of My Favorite Things"! How funny. Guess what - you won the blog candy I was supposed to post yesterday! LMK the 3 colors you would like for the markers and your address and I'll get the package on it's way to you.
