Thursday, July 15, 2010

The newest employee of ETS....

So I've been looking for a job ever since I quit mine back in April. I was so tired of stage managing. It was a great job with great co-workers, but I was stagnant. I was making as high a wage as possible, I wasn't learning anything new, and I was just feeling very stuck. It was even affecting other aspects of my life as well--I was feeling stuck in school as well as in my relationship with my husband.So I quit--I was just done.

Then I went to Singapore for three weeks, which put job searching on hold. I returned at the beginning of June, and from then on I'd been submitting applications, creating resumes, going to the LDS Employment office, started my Etsy business, and I've been thinking for some time now that I should just really get focused and settled in a job of some sort. 

Last week I got a response to an application I had submitted for an editorial position for a company that publishes scrapbooking magazines. They wanted me to complete some writing exercises to see if I was cut out for the job. I enjoyed doing them--it was fun and I felt like I was pretty good at it. I submitted them on Monday, and they told me I'd find out either way in the next week or two. 

I also started taking a series of self employment classes at the LDS Employment office and decided to get my business plan up and running again for my gift shop/bakery. At the same time as that, I realized that Bob really needed to get a move on in regards to his schooling. In order to do that, I had decided to postpone my schooling for a bit and work full time so that he could focus on school and get done that much sooner so that life could progress a little more (aka having kids). I was totally fine with that, stopping my schooling a bit and then finishing it later. I even decided to move forward with my business because the location I was looking at for the store became available again. So I was pretty excited. It seemed like everything was supposed to go in that direction.

Not even an hour after talking that choice over with Bob and settling on it, I get a phone call to schedule an interview for a position I had applied for weeks ago. It was for a company of student engineers who were looking to hire some industrial designers. I decided to go ahead with the interview, if nothing else just for the experience. I doubted they'd want to hire me--I'm still just a freshman in the program. 

I went to the interview yesterday. A fellow classmate, Quinn, from my ID classes last year was interviewing before me, and on his way out we chatted momentarily. Then I turned to walk in for my interview. I introduced myself before even looking at who was interviewing me. It turns out that it was Zack Bomsta, the guy who married a former roommate of mine two weeks earlier, whose reception I'd attended. Small world! He laughed and said he was already aware of who I am, though it didn't register until just then when he saw me. He asked me questions about Quinn, who--I'll be honest--is amazing and extremely talented. I admitted that he was one of the top 10 students in our classes when it comes to quality of work and talent. Then we went on to questions about me and my capabilities. On my resume I included my study abroad course to Singapore and the experience I now have with international relations and collaborating with others to create a product. We discussed that, and he said that it made my application stand out from all the other ones. I had forgotten about that. I suppose that would make me look pretty awesome.

After the interview, I still didn't feel super confident so I basically forgot about it. I continued on in my business things and preparing to not take classes come fall semester. Then today Zack calls me and says he wants to hire me. I asked if I could talk it over with my husband and get back to him about it. I talked to Bob. I prayed. I read my scriptures. I called my Dad. I prayed some more. And then I called Zack back to ask more questions about the job.

I learned that it pays $15 an hour and I'll be working anywhere from 10-20 hours a week on average. He even said some of the current employees have time for full or part time jobs in addition to this one, as well as school. Also, they have two ways of hiring people: either through BYU or through a different agency if any of the BYU students don't have enough credits to be employed by BYU. 

Well, that resolved all my problems and concerns. I can go to school while taking as many or few credits as I need, and I can have a second job on the side if necessary (or if I get that editorial job). Not only that, but I realized that when I'm done and finally get that evasive Bachelor of Fine Arts degree I so much want, I'll have experience in the exact same field I'll be going into. What company won't want to hire someone with both a degree AND experience? Seriously! If I can keep this job until I graduate (which I think I want to already) I'll have 3-4 years of design experience in the workplace!

I'll be working on a panel of four industrial designers--including Quinn and two other upperclassmen, one of which I've heard great things about. I go in tomorrow at 11am to get hired with the other three, and then we're getting right to work. It looks like I'll be taking classes this fall after all, and it'll probably be only 6-9 credits worth.

It seems like it's too good to be true. But if it's really as good as it all sounds right now, can I just say jackpot!!

The Lord really knows what He's doing. When I think I have something figured out and it seems right and I go that way, he always stops me if I'm wrong. Thank goodness that he never lets me down and He never leads me in the wrong direction.

In other news, Bob auditioned for a short movie today. Neither of us really think he'll get the part, but it was fun anyway! In the Craigslist ad it said to bring a headshot and resume. Well, considering that Bob has no acting experience, a resume seemed a little ridiculous. But we decided a head shot would be good. So I took some photos of Bob this morning, and here's the one we picked.

I think he's dang handsome. 

1 comment:

  1. does sound like everything is falling into go girl!
