Monday, March 14, 2011

Well that was fast.

About three weeks into working at the brand new store, I felt like I was getting the hang of things pretty well. Most of the other employees would even come to me with questions about various work-related needs and techniques. It made me feel pretty good, because 1) I love helping and teaching others, and 2) it means others can tell that I am skilled and knowledgeable, which just feels great.

On my way out of the store one day after a full morning of work, my boss chatted with me briefly and practically in passing mentioned that she wants to make me assistant manager. Sweeeeeet!! I think some of my co-workers were expecting it. I'll admit I was hopeful, but I wasn't sure if she'd really need one since she and her husband both work at the store pretty frequently. And it's not that I'm aspiring, but I would like to learn various responsibilities of managing the store so that I can use what I learn for opening my own small business in the future. I told that to my boss back in my interview when I turned in my employment application, and I think it's stuck with her and is a big part of why she hired me. She even brings it up from time to time, recognizing that this isn't just some job for me while I'm between other modes of employ. I want to learn how to run a successful small and specialized store so that I can do just that one day. The things I'm learning at work I'm taking to heart and storing away for future reference. I'm not just another girl who wants to work with great people in a fun atmosphere. I don't just want a discount on what we sell. I'm definitely not in it just for the money, because the pay may be decent but I'm definitely not going to get rich off my paychecks. I want to learn everything I can for future purposes.

So being assistant manager is pretty exciting for me to say the least.

At the same time, I'm kind of nervous and worried that I'll start making mistakes or mess up more frequently, because I do that when I'm under pressure. I just hope I can maintain my confidence and excitement about it and not give in to whatever insecurities and self-doubt and low self-esteem issues I might have. I'm strong and independent, not weak and completely reliant on others.... right?

For now, I'm thrilled about it. I just hope it sticks.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I've Been Hacked!

That's right, my sneaky and subversive husband has hacked my account, and has typed this blog post as a surprise to me. Just so y'all don't get confused, he'll be talking as though he's me, even though I, Janae, had nothing to do with this particular post.

Let's start off by setting down some basics that we can all agree on.
  • I'm Janae, and I'm incredibly attractive. Also, I'm lots of fun.
  • I have such a wide range of interests and talents that I can hardly keep up with them. I love to cook, bake, sew, craft with paper, scissors, fabric, glue, wood, and just about anything else I can get my hands on
  • I have an excellent eye for design and aesthetics, and I love to bring that to play in organizing and decorating my home, and in all those crafty things. 
  • I want to learn and do so much more! I've always wanted to go hang gliding, I love climbing but don't go enough, and I love snowboarding, but same problem there. I still need to learn to crochet and a bunch of other crafts and hobbies. 
  • I'm hopelessly addicted to Halo. I wasn't very good a few years ago, but after weekly sessions with friends, I can legitimately hold my own. I've even won a few rounds. 
  • I really really really want to learn metalsmithing so I can design and cast my own jewelery. Why does everything I want to do cost so much?
  • Case in point, I also want to travel the globe. I want to see third world countries and the remnants of the height of European monarchies. I want to see the tropics, the tundra, and be swallowed in the vastness of the Sahara. I want to see all the different places right here in the U.S., from the Painted Desert, to the Redwoods, to Mt. Rushmore, to the Everglades, to New York City, to the coasts of Maine, to the underground Boston music scene...
  • Have you noticed how cute I am? I'm seriously attractive, really! Who else do you know that could pull off any hair color, any outfit, any style? We are few and far between. Worship us.
  • I throw the BEST parties.       ....E V A R R R.
  •  I am one tough chick. If you had any idea all of the crap I've been through in my life to get where I am, you would probably faint. Or maybe you'd relate if you've been there, too. Respect my journey.
  • A side effect of all that is PTSD, which I've written other posts about, from time to time. This makes even the most trivial of matters sometimes insurmountable in the moment. Do you get it? Maybe. But unless you've dealt with it, I doubt it.  Like I said, I'm tough. I always make it through it.
  • I have an incredible amount of faith, and a very strong testimony of the Restored Gospel. Sometimes the social side of attending church is hard for me to deal with (see above), but I will always love the Savior, the Gospel, and my Heavenly Father. It's unshakable.
  • My husband is better than your husband. 
  • Did I mention how ridiculously attractive I am?
  • Have you hung out with me lately? Why not? I promise you that I am outrageously hilarious, and a load of fun! Seriously, what's your excuse?
  • I've changed through about 9 different majors in college (lots of interests) so I know a lot about a lot of stuff, instead of a little bit about a lot of stuff or everything about one thing. Except for sewing- my husband thinks I might know just about everything about that, but I don't really think so; There's always something new to learn!
  • I love animals and I really want a dog! We never really got to have one growing up and now that I'm older, I want one. 
  • I love my sisters-in-law and I wish I hung out with them more. What do we have in common? What can we do together?
  • I'm going to be the coolest mom ever, except for maybe my mom, who is perpetually amazing. My husband has no doubt that I can live up to her legacy, though.
Well, that's about all for now. Comment on this post and tell me how much you love me, because after all, I'm not really writing this, so it's not fishing for compliments, is it?!