Wednesday, February 11, 2009


During the day, I always think of all these great ideas of what I'm going to write about in my next blog. It's fun to think about how creatively I'll write stuff and I get all excited when I think of something clever.

And then I come to write it. And I forget what it was I was going to write about.

It's quite irritating. I think my memory loss began on my mission. I'd forget everything unless I wrote it down in my planner. You should see my mission planners--they're full of everything. And there's a bit of organization to them, but unless you're me you won't understand most of what's in them. Maybe I just need a new planner. I just can't find one that I like because I loved the missionary ones so much.

At any rate, yesterday was fun. Bob decided he wanted to come and visit me over this ridiculous holiday we're having this weekend. I've never liked Valentines Day, and perhaps he'll change my bias a little. So he flew into Nashville yesterday and I picked him up from the airport. I was nervous the entire day before and all morning, trying to do stuff to keep me busy. I drove up and got there about 30 minutes early. I sat in the car reading a book until Bob called to tell me the plane he was on touched down. My stomach did a somersault. I dashed inside just to wait for 15 more minutes. I'm not exactly sure why I was so nervous, but I think the fact that I hadn't seen him for two and a half years had something to do with it, and maybe the fact that I know we've both changed some does too. It was good to see him again. I stood there dumbly for the first few minutes as we waited to get his luggage. I wasn't sure what to say or do, and I couldn't believe he actually traveled 2000 (give or take a little) miles to see me. Then we drove back and I started feel ing a bit more normal.

And now I don't know what to do while he's here. It's kinda fun doing nothing but hanging out and talking. We'll see.


  1. Enjoy your time with him. I hope that more details will follow in the coming days.

  2. Hey there's an award for you on my blog!

  3. i've heard through the grape vine that yous guys have 4 hour conversations on the phone and you didn't know what to say to him?! you're funny! but i understand, something about face to're brain stops working. have fun and tell him hi for us!
