Saturday, May 5, 2012

Growing Graham: 4 weeks

May 4th, 2012
4 Weeks Old

I love this facial expression! And look at those rolls under his chin--so cute!

  • We started giving Graham a pacifier. I didn't want to, but he needed it. We also began swaddling his little arms in with the rest of his body because he kept waking himself up with his startle reflex and wasn't taking very good naps or sleeping well at night because of it. He hates it at first, but stick that pacifier in his mouth and he calms right down, then drifts off to sleep in a matter of minutes. If he gets fussy when the pacifier is in, he sucks on it harder and says a muffled, "Oy, oy, oy...... Oy OY OY OY oy oy.... oy... oy...." while furrowing his eyebrows.

Swaddle Me wraps are the only thing that will keep his hands contained.

  • We're also trying to establish a routine of sorts. It's not exactly a schedule yet, but just a routine so far. When Graham wakes up, he eats, and then we have playtime (and it's a battle to keep him awake sometimes), and then it's nap time again. He's been getting more out of his naps that way, and I don't worry about him spitting up when he lays down for a nap.

  • His hair is getting longer! There's still a lot and it's still very red. I may have to cut it soon, otherwise he's going to have a mullet.

The mad scientist look.

Blue Steel, anyone?

  • The poor kid's digestive system is still getting things figured out. He usually wakes up between 4 and 6 am whimpering and fussing because of some painful gas down in his bowels, and then after a couple of hours of that he starts crying as he continues working it out. So far no remedies have really worked, but we're still trying some things.

  • He's getting so strong! When anyone holds him on their shoulder, he pushes himself up and holds his head up the whole time. He looks around at everything. I'm pretty sure he can see and focus on things that are more than 3 feet away even though all of the research and studies say he shouldn't be able to yet. 

  • We gave him his first real bath too! His umbilical cord finally fell off a little after he turned 3 weeks old, so a day or two later we filled up his little tub and we took turns holding him and washing him. Graham wasn't sure what to think of it at first, so he pouted and cried, then he seemed to really enjoy it. But by the end he was ready to get out. We hope he learns to like the water though, because Bob is anxious to take him surfing when he's old enough!

Why are naked babies so darn adorable?!

Unsure of this whole bath thing at first...

I can see SO much of my dad in him here!

He didn't like getting his hair washed.

"Thanks, Mommy!"
  • He's also started detaching himself while I'm trying to breastfeed him, which gets a little obnoxious at times. He usually tries to relatch himself without my help, but while he's trying to do that he starts pushing himself away from me with his arms. It's kind of funny to see his mouth and hands doing the complete opposite things.

  • Graham is really ticklish, like his mom. My favorite spot is his back. If he starts falling asleep eating, I'll take my thumbnail and slide it up his back right next to his spine. Every time he dramatically arches his back, his dramatic hands fly up, he makes some grunting sounds, snorts a little, and then settles back down. 

    Another crazy expression.
  • 4 weeks to the day is the first time Graham actually spit up on me. He's spit up on Bob, on our bed, on his bed, on himself, on the floor, and all over dozens of burp cloths, but I hadn't gotten spit up on me yet. He's peed and pooped on me multiple times, which admittedly is even less fun and generally more messy than being spit up on. That streak ended quickly, and Graham made up for it by getting my shirt, my pants, and my hand and arm 3 times by mid-afternoon. It had to happen sooner or later.

He's nearly a month old! I can't believe how quickly it's gone by, but between me sleeping as much as possible (and it's never enough) and taking it easy while recovering from childbirth, I suppose it's no surprise that the time has flown by. We're excited to see what the next month brings!

Handsome like daddy.


  1. He just keeps getting cuter! How is that possible?

  2. Such a fun post. The pictures are really cute!

  3. Soooo, pretty sure your baby is the first redhead baby I've ever seen.
