Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Growing Graham: 2 weeks old

Graham is a lot of fun to have around. 
Here are some of my favorite quirks about him so far:

  • He yawns and sneezes a LOT. And it's so adorable! 

  • He loves his hands. He always has them by his face, is always sucking on them, grabbing his ears, opening and closing his fists, etc. He hates having them swaddled in with the rest of him, so we wrap him from the armpits down. He's still discovering those busy little hands, and the other day he grabbed his cheek with his right hand, and looked right at me with this expression that said, "Oh my gosh!! WHAT IS THAT?!! What is THAT grabbing MY FACE?!" I cracked up. Those little hands look a lot like my Grandpa Tweedie's.

  • When he's feeling really relaxed and content, he'll have one eye closed and the other open. He does this a lot while I'm nursing him, and he'll sit there staring at me with one eye the entire time. It's mildly creepy and really funny. I call him "Popeye" when he does it.

  • When Graham wants to sleep, he sleeps and there's nothing anyone can do about it. He gets it from his Daddy. If he wants to fall asleep while I'm feeding him, he will and I can't keep him awake for anything. No amount of cold hands, moving him around, burping him, talking to him, or anything will wake him up if he decides he's tired and wants to sleep. Of course, when this happens at night, as soon as we lay him down in his Moses basket to sleep, he wakes up and wants more attention. 

  • While he's sleeping, he has an excellent startle reflex. It's also hilarious! If you touch him at all when he's sleeping, he throws his arms and hands wildly in the air and shakes them for a couple of seconds before suddenly dropping them to his sides. We call these Graham's "dramatic hands," and we laugh every time he demonstrates them. Some are more dramatic than others. This is a video of some of his not-so-dramatic Dramatic Hands.

  • Another thing he does while he's sleeping is makes faces--lots and lots of expressions and sounds to accompany them! He smiles and laughs in his sleep. He gets angry in his sleep. He growls in his sleep. He gets confused in his sleep.The other day he heard another baby cry while he was sleeping and made an expression like he was also about to cry in his sleep. 

  • He spreads his toes like I do, but his feet are shaped like Bob's.

  • His face shape looks more and more like my own Dad's every day.

  • He has a raspy, gentle cry that isn't too loud [yet]. He also only cries when he's hungry, has a dirty diaper, or is trying really hard to fill his diaper. 

  • When we try to burp him, he hates it. I know this because he fights me every time I do it. I'll sit him upright on my lap, put my right fingers under his jaw and my palm against his chest, and then pat him firmly on the back with my left hand. Every time, he either goes to sleep and won't burp, or he'll arch his back, support his own head and look up so I can't hold him like that. Sometimes he'll turn his head to look at me, which again defeats the purpose. It's frustrating, but cracks me up at the same time.

  • He doesn't like baths... yet. Probably because we're still waiting on his umbilical cord to fall off so we can do more than sponge him down with warm water that cools off really fast and makes his skin cold.

We sure love having baby Graham around! We love to watch him learn about himself and his surroundings! I'm so excited to see what else he learns to do as he grows.


  1. He is so adorable. I love your posts. Congrats on your little guy.

  2. I'm so glad that you guys were the ones to buy my camera. I can already seeing you getting some great use out of it!! Your son is so cute and I love seeing your happy family!
