Thursday, May 21, 2009

Will pray for work.

My summer has been really busy, which is slightly overwhelming and stressful at times. But the past week has been so much fun! I acquired a temporary job at the Busy Beads & Moore, which I wasn't planning on. One of the employees broke her foot a while back and needed surgery on it. She's supposed to stay off it for 6-8 weeks. They're also getting a new website going and they've got free tech support for a month. So another of the employees is on the computer working on the website all day and can't go work with customers in the store while she's in the midst of that. So Sylvia called me and asked if I'd like to work for a few weeks until Young Women's Camp and EFY. It's easier than training a brand new employee and having the others work overtime, plus I LOVE working there.

Back in January, we had a Relief Society sleepover and the theme had something to do with feet or footsteps, so everything involved feet in some way. It was a lot of fun. Before the sock puppet show, one of the ladies, Ryan, was trying to recruit someone to paint a back-drop for it. Nobody was jumping at the opportunity, so I said I'd do it. When Ryan saw how well I'd painted it, she got so excited and asked me to paint her daughter's room, immediately offering to pay me. I've never painted murals or anything of the sort before, so I warned her of that, but I agreed to do it. Well, I finally have found to the time to do it! So after work each day this week, I've gone over to Ryan's house and painted in her daughter's room. I love it! I could seriously make a living out of doing stuff like this!

Ryan also wants me to paint some palm trees in her son's room. She told a friend about it, and now she might want me to paint something similar in her house too. Anybody else want some murals done?

And, all my EFY paperwork is getting sent off tomorrow. It'll all be official finally and I'll be working three sessions of EFY!

This all goes to show that prayers really do get answered in the way that's best for each of us in our personal situations. When I came home from the mission, I was praying hat I'd get a job so I could keep busy and make some money before school in August. I had zero luck there for a while. But I was okay with that because it allowed me to travel a lot and have tons of freedom I otherwise wouldn't have had. I was still worried about the money issue and was still searching for a job. I'm sad that Heather had to break her foot for me to have a job, but the Lord sure did answer my prayers there! I've been getting desperate. And I seem to have this skill for painting that I never knew was so developed, and now I can use that to earn some extra cash for school too. If I had gotten a job at any of the places I'd applied earlier, waiting tables or managing a book store, I think I would have hated going to work every day. What a tender mercy it is for me to be able to go and make jewelry each morning, then go and paint each afternoon. I'm so grateful for my talents and abilities, as well as the opportunities the Lord has granted me to use them for both others' and my own benefit.


  1. Sometimes what we think we need Heavenly Father doesn't agree with us and gives us what we really need. Prayer is a wonderful thing. It puts us in tune with the spirit to know where to go or what to do.

    You did a wonderful job at Ryan's house. I think it is a great talent that needs to be used so that it gets better and better. I had a friend that does murals and things and she is awesome!

    I am so happy for you to be working at EFY. That will be a great thing for you and build your testimony even more.

    Awesome things going on in your life. Good luck on all that you do!

  2. cool...
    didn't you do something like that out here for someone in pleasent grove or something. i remember giving you a ride up there once. maybe it was clouds? anyway...looks great, glad things are working out.

  3. Awesome! Man I love painting murals & stuff, Im so glad you're having fun with it!
