Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Too hilarious not to tell...

Sometimes the strangest things happen to me.

And then sometimes, I accidentally do the strangest things.

Lucky for me, both of those happened to me this morning, and it's not even 9am.

I woke up to Bob kissing me goodbye as he left for work. It was about 7am, and he smelled like pancakes and fresh orange juice. I laid in bed a while longer, enjoying how cozy it was under the covers on another chilly and rainy morning. I finally got up and went to the living room, snuggled up under a quilt on the couch out there, and turned on my laptop for my usual online routine: email, facebook, check what new episodes are on Hulu, check for updated comics that I read, play some of my nerdy video games for a little while, etcetera.

At some point my stomach rumbled, so I went into the kitchen to see if Bob had left any pancakes for me. He did. Then I remembered we were out of syrup. I didn't want to wait ten minutes and make some more. I was hungry now. So I peaked around in the fridge and found caramel syrup. Then I found chocolate syrup. They're syrup, right? Close enough for me right now. I drizzled them over my pancakes and decided they would be good enough.

As I walked back to the living room I noticed a spot on my foot hurting. It had hurt all morning when I walked or stood on it, but this time I decided to check it out before I ate my oh-so nutritious breakfast. I set my plate aside on the couch next to me, and looked at the underside of my foot. It was hard to tell because I hadn't turned on any lights and it was still pretty dim inside our house from the rainy-day light coming in through the windows, but it looked like... a hair was stuck in my foot?

I walked into the bathroom to find the tweezers and sit next to the window in there for better light. Sure enough, a half inch long piece of hair was stuck into the bottom of my foot like a splinter. I know I gave Bob a haircut barefoot yesterday, but... That was really weird. I pulled it out, and my foot felt immediately better. Seriously weird.

Somewhere between setting my plate aside and being weirded out by that hair-splinter, I forgot I had a plate of chocolate syrup covered pancakes on the couch....


I sat right on my plate, which was camouflaged so well by the colorful quilt next to it. I had a sudden cold sensation on my backside, so I squealed and jumped up at the same time, and when I realized what happened then couldn't stop laughing. I looked at my behind and it was all I could do to stay upright from laughter as I went into the bathroom, took off my pants and rinsed them under some cold running water.

It was just too hilarious and embarrassing not to mention.

The good news is that my pants are already a brownish-tan color, so if they stain, it won't be too noticeable. The other good news is that fortunately, my pancakes weren't ruined. Just flatter, and I enjoyed them anyway.

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