Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It'll make a funny story later...

I know there are a lot of things in life that are painful, difficult, or unpleasant, but a lot of time it makes for a good story later. I have had countless experiences like that--how I got my chipped tooth, the time I got food poisoning and my puke changed every shade of the rainbow in a single day, the time I got food poisoning from Jack in the Box while on a cabin trip, the time(s) I accidentally punched Bob in the face, just to name a few.

Luckily the one that happened today wasn't nearly as unpleasant as those.

I woke up to Bob's alarm around 6am, reached over and tried to wake him up.... And then I woke up at 7:30 because it was getting so light in our room. Bob was still in bed and was 30 minutes late for work. I didn't have to get up until 8, so I reached over and nudged Bob to tell him to call his supervisor.

"Bob, you're late for work. You better call Zack."
No response.
"Bob! Go call Zack!"
To which Bob replied, in a most exasperated, sarcastic and rude voice,"Fine....... ZACK!!!"

It actually hurt my feelings at the time because of how much of a jerk he was being about it.
'Fine,' I thought. 'I'll just let you be late. I won't even try to wake you up again.'
So I got up at 8 and showered, and as I was getting my wallet out of my purse in the bedroom to put in my backpack just before walking out the door, Bob woke up and said good morning to me. I just glared at him and said, "I'm going to class," and forced a goodbye kiss out of myself.

It wasn't until he came home for lunch that I told him about it. And we both laughed about how silly we were. "So that's why you were being mean towards me this morning...." Bob realized through his chuckling. "I don't even remember doing that. I'll have to tell Zack about it!"

And so, the moral of this story is don't ever take Bob seriously or personally while he's sleeping, even if he seems like he's awake....

On second thought, don't even take him seriously or personally while he's awake either.


  1. Once I was waking Cam up for something. You probably know he's pretty hard to wake up. Anyway, this particular time he told me, "You are so PUSHY!" And of course, my feelings were hurt. After he finally got up, he didn't remember saying it. We still laugh about it and I say it every time he takes his time getting out of bed.

  2. janae, this is such a great post...great because it takes some couples years to get to this point. glad you figured it out and it didn't ruin your day! ;)
