Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Growing Graham: 2 months!

June 6th, 2012
2 months old

I can't believe Graham's been a part of our family for two entire months already! The days don't slow down, unfortunately. So I'm doing the best I can to keep up with my responsibilities to friends, family, home, and church while soaking up every moment I can with my sweet baby boy.

A few of my favorite things he does now:

  • Coos, giggles, and smiles--especially while having his diaper changed, that silly boy.
  • Pulls his knees up under him during tummy time.
  • Holds himself up and looks around like he owns the place when he's on anyone's shoulder.
  • Plays and is entertained in his play-gym.
  • Kicks his legs nonstop when he's laying on his back anywhere.

A few of my least favorite things he does now:

  • Cries at naptime.
  • Cries and squirms when being burped during mealtime (to the point that it's almost impossible to hold him!).
  • Starting to grab everything with his hands--my necklace, my shirt collar (and pulls it down so anyone around me can see my bra), himself or his diaper while being changed, his pacifier (and pulls it out of his mouth, then screams about it), etc.

And here are a couple of my favorite pictures of him at this age:

My favorite part of this church  outfit: those plaid pants! I love them!

He is so cute! And he looks way more mature than a 2-month-old.


  1. Dag nabbit he is a cute stinker!

  2. so adorable janae i enjoy reading your posts!

  3. That last picture in particular is super-cute.
