Friday, October 21, 2011

Ahh, Pregnancy and Maternity Clothes.

This pregnancy has really been rough on me so far. I've still been getting crafty pretty often, making things and starting projects, etc. I just haven't had the energy to photograph and blog about any of them. Well, I'm really hoping that changes soon. I'm 16 weeks now, and I've had more energy lately, even if I've still been feeling raunchy. But energy is good! I still sleep 10 or more hours a night, but I've been trying to go to bed at a more regular hour too... Like 1:30am instead of 3am. Baby steps! I can't just go to bed at 10pm after I've been staying up until 4am every night. Anyway, after my brief visit to the ER to start the week off, I've been doing a lot better.

Oh yeah. I went to the ER at 3am Monday morning. I had only thrown up once this whole pregnancy, and that was because I didn't eat as soon as I should have. But Sunday morning I was puking due to more than morning sickness. I also had diarrhea really bad, and I know that's not a normal symptom from pregnancy. By the end of the day, I knew I was sick. I couldn't keep anything down and I was dehydrated, which was starting to cause painful cramping in my abdomen. So we had an adventure to the ER.

They gave me some Zofran. It helped immediately and the nausea/vomiting was gone in a matter of minutes. They did an ultrasound, and the baby was fine. I dozed on and off all night, getting maybe an hour total of sleep. Then I was released to go home somewhere around 10am with a prescription for Zofran. It really is a miracle pill.

Bob is a really wonderful man though. He took care of me all day long, getting me whatever I wanted (mostly just 7-Up or Ginger Ale and crackers). Then he stayed with me in the ER all night without sleeping at all. And then he had a job interview at 8am. He went 40 hours straight by the time he got to sleep again, around 3pm. Bless his heart. I married a good man.

Good news: I'm beginning to feel better and Bob got the job.

So, like I mentioned before, I've been trying to keep busy and make stuff to keep from going crazy. I'll post about my projects little by little. The one I'm currently most excited about is my first piece of maternity clothing. I've looked, and the rumors that maternity clothing is expensive are true. Forget about using my grocery money to look cute! I'm making my maternity outfits.

Before we moved here, I went to the DI and found some large and hideous clothing that had potential as something it wasn't and bought them for cheap. One was a men's polo shirt, size large. I liked that it was a knit and the print on the fabric is what gave it potential.

Now, I tried to get a picture of it before working on it, but I failed to upload the photo to my laptop before altering it.... And this was the outcome:

[insert fail music here]

Just imagine a shapeless polo shirt with a black collar and short sleeves that go all the way down to my forearms.

I need a new camera. I broke the screen on ours sometime when I was snowboarding last year. So I have no idea what's going on when the buttons are pushed on it. It's a surprise every time. I know which button to press for a timer, but that's all.

So after playing button mash on my camera I can show you that I made an adorable maternity tunic!

Adjustable front tie so that as I get bigger I can have it as tight or loose as I want.

Cute and fitted in the back!

Yay!! I made my first maternity shirt!


  1. That is so cute! Hard to believe it's from a XXXL men's polo shirt. Oh how I wish I had seamstressing as a talent.

  2. That's awesome...good thing I didn't know how to do that when I was pregnant, my husband would've out of shirts of his own!...Really cute! Good job!

  3. That's really cool! I was in denial and didn't buy a single item of maternity clothing... And sometimes I wish I would have. That's such a great idea though!

  4. Oh man. I'm so jealous that you're so good at sewing! I took the beginning class my last semester at BYU and I was HORRIBLE!!! It was so stressful and hard for me. I'm jealous.
