Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

At work I'm supposed to wear all black, even down to my shoes. Supposed to. Today I had to wear something green though. So I got away with a green shirt under a black V-neck. They like me enough at work for me not to get in trouble anyway.

And Bob and I had a discussion the other night about starting family traditions. Bob mentioned that he'd like to try corned beef and cabbage for dinner today, but I'm not a huge fan of beef and I get nervous to cook cabbage. I do remember my mom making green food in honor of the holiday throughout most of my younger years. So I decided to combine the two.

I made cornbread and spinach.... Well, I experimented with the spinach and tried it in whipped potatoes, and then had green beans and some chicken sauteed in onions and barbecue sauce. And then I experimented with food dye. Earlier I had run to Smith's for it and a couple of other things, and naturally all the regular food coloring was gone today. But there was some neon food coloring left.... Eh, why not. So our potatoes and cornbread looked toxic, and the onions just looked... well, odd. Not even green. More like... something old and spoiled.

But it was delicious! Bob enjoyed it anyway, and so did I. The picture doesn't really do the toxic glow justice, but it really was there.


  1. That's gross, but your hair is freaking adorable! I love it and want to chop mine off now!

  2. looks great! i was going to do green biscuits but got home late running errands. really we just had green milk which the boys thought was funny and strange.

  3. The chicken looks yummy. We did green biscuits, broccoli, and some chicken alfredo that I dyed green.
