Monday, December 28, 2009

a premature sigh of relief

I am so glad December is drawing to a close! My wedding last month, Bree's (Bob's younger sister) wedding this month, Christmas, and lots of driving and money-sucking activities are done!!

It was so nice to get home after all the madness. But I forgot. The madness isn't even over yet!

We're supposed to be getting new carpet. I don't know when, but we are. Today we're supposed to be getting a new carpet pad in the living room, but that's all that's scheduled. I wonder if they can just come and put the carpet in the bedroom while they're at it. We need it with our average 41 degree basement apartment with no heat. I'm probably breathing asbestos from the crumbing linoleum in there and my future children will have severe birth defects because of it. Maybe I can sue the owner for it and get tons of money and never have to work another day in my life. Just kidding. That would be lazy.

It's just super annoying because I can't put anything away right now. It'll all just have to get moved again. So I don't know where anything is right now because our bicycles are in the kitchen, the TV is on the recliner, all our blankets and sheets are crowding me here on the couch, and things are back in boxes and stacked where ever there is space. My house is a total mess, and I can't un-messify it yet. Gah!!

At least I have fuzzy slippers that Bob got me for Christmas.

I just finished budgeting what's left of our money. I can't believe how hard it can be to keep up with finances while on vacation. Suprisingly, we're doing okay. That's a relief.

Jennie Ray is coming to stay with us for a while on January 12th. She's needed to get out of Clarksville for a while now, and she finally is. I didn't want a lack of a place to live to keep her from leaving that town. She wanted to move out here anyway, and I would have loved to sell her my place at the pink house after I got married, but I didn't know she was looking at that time. Maybe in the summer and fall next year she can rent it out. It is a wicked-good deal. She deserves it.

And next semester starts a week from today. Ridiculous. How am I supposed to focus and do well in school when I don't have space to do homework at home because I'm waiting on carpet and never had time to get my home in order? At least I don't have any Friday classes scheduled. I just wish I could have bought a midweek pass to Sundance back in October. I wish i could have been able to afford to buy one, anyway. I'll just start saving now for next year.

I think I'll take a nap now. I should go grocery shopping or clean out the fridge (because I didn't do that before vacation and now the food in there is really old) or fix my hair and do something productive with myself, but I'm tired. I don't have work or school. And just being able to sleep right now and not have any time-pressing matter due today is a little advantage I just need to take right now. It really is such a tender mercy for me at the moment, pathetic as it might sound.

Sweet dreams to me.


  1. Oh the lovely newly married craziness. I feel for you. Life is hard sometimes. My house is a mess too and I never feel like I can get it under control. Any time that I try I find 10 million reasons to stop. It took me 35 minutes just to sort my laundry today because one child needed something from me. The joys of motherhood. Never a dull moment around this house! Love you.

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