Wednesday, August 26, 2009

living and life

I finally moved into the house I'll be in for the next three months. There's two separate addresses, one for the upstairs and one for the downstairs. I live at the downstairs address, even though the mail all comes to the same box. I like it. My room is painted bright turquoise. The bathroom is hardly bigger than one you'd find on an airplane, complete with separate faucets on the sink for hot and cold water, making washing my face at night a challenge (I either get boiling hot water or ice cold water, and it's hard the mix the two). The kitchen is already pretty stocked with dishes the previous renters, which means I'm not unpacking my kitchen stuff until Bob moves into our future apartment and I can just set it all up there.

And I LOVE having a nice old couple as landlords! They're so nice. They let me make up my own contract for living there basically. Since I'm getting married in November, they said, "Well, why don't you just make your contract from Now until then?" I'm so used to companies and set contracts with apartments that I hadn't even thought of that. So now I don't have to stress about the possibility of not selling a contract that I'm stuck in until May or longer. Such a relief, since money will be tight with Bob and me for a while already.

And speaking of money, I started working again! It'll be nice to have a paycheck every other week, even if it's only for $600 or less each month. I can still make it work. I discovered that I really like having a budget. It's nice to see where my money goes. I also really enjoy seeing my savings account building, and seeing money going toward a vacation fund and a snowboarding fund for me to use later. It's a whole lot less stressful than what I used to do (guess at what's left in my account when I want stuff and just hope I have enough money).

School starts on Monday. I'm excited and nervous. I'm taking the freshman courses in my major. Those should be fun. I'm also retaking some classes to try and get my GPA up in case I ever need to transfer schools for any reason (such as not getting accepted into the major again when I have to apply again next august). Communications 101 and College Algebra are the ones I'm most worried about. Beginning Piano should be good, and of course the Creativity classes for Industrial Design should be fun too. 14 credits is about all I can usually handle, so that's all I'm doing. I'm just not good at school, especially when classes I abhor are involved.

Lastly, I got this nasty cold last week. Bob caught it too (and I'm 99% sure he got it from me... go figure...) I didn't have work today, thank goodness. Bob called in sick today. So we've done nothing and it's been so nice. I was a little bummed that I missed out on rock climbing this morning, but there was no way I was going out into the chilly morning to exert energy that I already didn't have. There will likely be other opportunities anyway. So today Bob came over early this morning (as usual) and we ate breakfast. We went back to his house and I ended up falling asleep on his couch and he went in his room and went back to bed. Since then we've just sat around haven't done much.

It's honestly been nice to do nothing since I haven't done that in quite a while. Plus, my body needs the rest. But really, I just hate being sick.


  1. So...where are you at that's chilly in the morning?! Because down here in San Antonio right around 8 am it's already in the mid to high 90s...hitting around 110 in the shade by 5's really hot! I miss you bunches!

  2. so much transistion and excitement. you'll be glad you blogged about it all later to look back on. :) feel better!
